Considered Proto-Nostratic core vocabulary

Русская версия (Russian version)

> > > Bomhard core vocabulary
Части ностратической речи: Глаголы | Прилагательные | Существительные | Числительные | Наречия | Местоимения | Предлоги | Частицы Аффиксы
Реконструкции Иллич-Свитыча: ностратическо-русский | русско-ностратический | по темам | частицы и аффиксы
Словники Бомхарда: ! (ʔ) | ? (ʕ) | A (!- и ?-) | B | D, Dj, Dz | G, Gj, Gw | H | Kh, Kjh, Kwh, K', Kj', Kw' | L | M | N, Nj | Ph | Qh, Q', Qw' | R | S, Sj, Sw | Th, Tjh, T', Tj'; Tl', Tlh; Ts, Ts' | W | Y || по темам | подтверждено
Евразийский словарь Старостина: | | A | B | C, C' | Č, Č' | D, Dʷ | E | G | H, Hʷ | I | J | K | L | | M | N | Ń | Ŋ | O | P | Q | R | S | Š | T | U | V | W | X | Z | Ʒ | Ž | Ǯ

Обзоры праязыков-потомков: Афразийскийсемитским и египетским) | Дравидский | Индоевропейский (со славянским) | Картвельский | Нивхский | Урало-сибирский | Уральский | Эламский
Лексика праязыков-потомков: Афразийскаясемитской) | Индохеттская ( с балтийской и славянской )

The list of etymologies of lexical words reconstructed by Dolgopolsky that are considered by Bomhard to be strong is as follows:

  1. *ʔaba ~ *ʔap̕a – ‘daddy, father’
  2. *ʔ[a]b∇ – ‘water’
  3. *ʔA[d]∇ (= *ʕA[d]V) ‘foot’
  4. *ʔemA 'mother’
  5. *ʔin̄[A] – ‘place’ ([in descendant languages] > ‘in’)
  6. *ʔaR∇ – ‘member of one’s clan/family’
  7. *ʔ[ä]ś[o] – ‘to stay, to be’ (Illič-Svityč < ‘to settle’)
  8. *ʔisу (or *ʔiʔs∇ ?) ‘to sit’, ‘seat (body part)’ (> ‘foundation, basis’)
  9. *[ʔV]š[ü]H2∇ – ‘wild boar’
  10. *ʔ[a]y∇ – ‘mother’
  11. *ʕAl∇ (= *ʕalE or *ʕälî) ‘height, top’, ‘to climb, to go up’
  12. *ʕim[ê] – ‘to suck, to swallow’
  13. *ʕ[o]mdE – ‘to stand upright, to rise’
  14. *ʕur∇K̕∇ – ‘to flee’
  15. *ʕ|ɡeŕV – ‘raincloud, rain’
  16. *ʕoŝ∇(-K̕a) – ‘tree’
  17. *ʕaǯ∇ – ‘white, bright’
  18. *boʔ∇ – ‘to go’
  19. *bûʕ∇ – ‘to blow, to inflate’, (> ?) ‘to swell’
  20. *bAd∇ – ‘many, multitude’
  21. *beha (or *bäha) ‘to shine, to be bright’
  22. *baH2V – ‘to tie, to bind’
  23. *buHi – ‘to grow, to appear, to become’
  24. *buL∇ – ‘to stir up (liquid); turbid’
  25. *bVL∇ʔa – ‘to blow, to inflate’
  26. *baLʕ∇ – ‘blind’
  27. *baļ[i]ɣa (or *baļ[i]ɣ[U] ?) ‘to swallow; throat’
  28. *b∇L[h]∇ – ‘leaf, leaves, maroon plants’
  29. *ba l ̄[i]ķa – ‘to shine’
  30. *b∇l ̄iʔ|ʕ[∇]ķü – ‘to beat, to strike’
  31. *bôĺX[a] – ‘tail, penis’
  32. *buŋgä – ‘thick; to swell’
  33. *bor∇ – ‘mountain, hill’
  34. *buRu (or *buRü) ‘to break’
  35. *buR∇ (or *bür∇) ‘flint’ (> ‘to cut/carve with a flint’)
  36. *buR∇, *buR[∇-][K]∇ – ‘storm, stormy wind’
  37. *bärʔ∇ – ‘to give’
  38. *berEʔa – ‘to give birth to; child’
  39. *bu|ür[ʔ]∇ – ‘lock of hair, down’
  40. *bôri[ɣ]U – ‘loose earth, dust, (?) sand’
  41. *bArh[ê] – ‘to shine’
  42. *bûrûH∇ – ‘eyebrow, eyelash’
  43. *barq∇ (~ *barX∇) ‘to go, to go away, to step’
  44. *büryi – ‘to cover’
  45. *b[i]r∇gE – ‘high, tall’
  46. *b[E]R∇[k]∇ – ‘knee’
  47. *b∇R[∇]ķæ – ‘to flash, to shine’
  48. *bôŕ[a] – ‘to pierce, to bore’
  49. *buŕu(-ĶU) [or *buŕü(-ĶU)] ‘to spurt, to gush forth, to boil, to seethe’
  50. *boŕ[ʔ]û – ‘maroon, yellow’
  51. *baţ∇ – ‘cold; to feel cold, to freeze’
  52. *b∇y∇ (or *b∇yʔ∇) ‘bee’
  53. *čal∇ – ‘to beat, to knock down, to fell’
  54. *čAl∇m∇ – ‘orifice, pit’, or ‘breach’
  55. *čoma – ‘wild bovine’
  56. *č̣[a]r∇ – ‘to cut’
  57. *dub[ʔ]∇ – ‘back, hinder part, tail’
  58. *did∇ – ‘large, big’
  59. *d[i]l ̄a (= *d[i]ļa ?) ‘sunshine, daylight, bright’
  60. *dul ̄i – ‘fire, heat’
  61. *dalqa|U – ‘wave’
  62. *dæLb∇ – ‘to gouge, to dig, to cut through’
  63. *dûm∇ – ‘to be motionless, to be silent, to be quiet’
  64. *d[û]hm∇ ~ *d[û]mh∇ – ‘ (to be) dark’
  65. *dôǹ∇ – ‘to cut’
  66. *dun̄∇ (or *dün̄∇) ‘to stream, to flow’
  67. *dar[∇H]∇ – ‘to hold, to hold fast, to fasten’
  68. *doRķæ (~ *doRgæ ?) ‘to bend, to turn, to wrap’
  69. *d[oy]a (> *da) ‘place’
  70. *gil ̄[h]o – ‘to shine, to glitter, to sparkle’
  71. *gUļ[E]ħU – ‘to be smooth’
  72. *gûLʒ̍∇ – ‘to bend, to twist’
  73. *giĺ[∇#]ʔ∇[d]∇ – ‘ice, frost; to freeze’ (and *giļ∇ – ‘ice, frost’)
  74. *g[A]m∇ (and *g[A]mʕ∇ ?) ‘altogether, full’
  75. *gAǹ|ń∇ – ‘to see, to perceive’
  76. *genû – ‘jaw, cheek’
  77. *g[o]ʔin̄∇ – ‘to beat, to strike’
  78. *gAr∇ – ‘hand’
  79. *gUR∇ – ‘to roll’
  80. *gæhR∇ ¬ *gæRh∇ – ‘sunshine, day, light’
  81. *girʕ∇ – ‘to cut’
  82. *garHä – ‘sharp bough, sharp stick, sharp point’
  83. *garû[ĉ]a – ‘to crush, to break to pieces’ (or *g∇Rûŝ|ĉ∇ – ‘to crush’)
  84. *gE|aRd∇ – ‘to plait, to tie, to gird (to wear something around one’s waist) ’
  85. *gäţâ – ‘to grasp, to take, to possess’
  86. *[h]al[∇ʔ]E – ‘on the other side’
  87. *haw∇ – ‘to desire, to love’
  88. *[H₂]el∇ – ‘sprout, twig’
  89. *Han[g]∇(ţ∇) (or *Haŋ[g]∇(ţ∇) ?) ‘duck’
  90. *kar∇ – ‘to twist, to turn around, to return’
  91. *ka[ry]∇ – ‘to dig’
  92. *ķäbʔâ – ‘to bite’ (> ‘to eat’)
  93. *ķUç∇ – ‘to cut/chop into small pieces’
  94. *ĶUm∇ – ‘black, dark’
  95. *Ķumʔ∇ – ‘ (to be) hot; to smolder’

Словарь Бомхарда: Тематическая группировка | Подтверждённый корнеслов (в т.ч. на английском) | Словник ност.-рус. по алфавиту (A - Y)
Родственное: Макрокомпаративистика | Ностратические языки | Праязыки | Пракорни

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